Schedule in Brief

Sunday, March 9
9 a.m. Worship
Bible Study at 10:30 a.m.
Egg-making after worship

Monday, March 10
Committee reports due
Wednesday, March 12
6 p.m. Council
Thursday, March 13
2 p.m. Egg-making
Sunday, March 16
9 a.m. Worship with Children's Sunday School
Bible Study at 10:30 a.m.
Egg-making after worship

Looking Ahead:
Lenten Collection -- Diapers for the Healthy Steps Diaper Bank. Please add your donations before March 23.
Save the Date for our Annual Dinner on May 7. More details to follow.
Barb works from home on Tuesdays and Thursday.
Pastor Frank's Office Hours are 9 a.m. to noon on Wednesday and Friday